Dr. S. R. Lasker Library User Guides

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Title Attachments Google Drive Link
Dr. S. R. Lasker Library User Guide PDF icon Dr. S. R. Lasker Library User Guide.pdf
Information Literacy Program Details PDF icon Information Literacy Program.pdf
Online Membership Guideline PDF icon Online Membership Guideline.pdf
Dr. S. R. Lasker Library Brochure PDF icon Dr. S. R. Lasker Library Brochure.pdf
DSpace Non-Exclusive License Agreement Form PDF icon DSpace Non-Exclusive License Agreement_UPDATED.pdf
MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging) standard PDF icon MARC Cataloguing Manual.pdf MARC21 Manual Download
Shelf Location of DLR (Dhaka Law Reports) PDF icon shelf_location_of_dlr_dhaka_law_reports.pdf
Shelf Location of PLD (Pakistan Legal Decisions) PDF icon shelf_location_of_pld_pakistan_legal_decisions.pdf
Shelf Location of BLT, MLR, BLD and British Pharmacopoeia PDF icon shelf_location_of_blt_mlr_bld_and_british_pharmacopoeia.pdf
Library Material Self-Renewal Process PDF icon Library Material Self-Renewal Process.pdf
Subject Wise Shelf List: Reserve Section PDF icon Reserve-Subject Wise Shelf List .pdf
Subject Wise Shelf List: Circulation Section PDF icon Circulation-Subject Wise Shelf List .pdf
Classified Shelf Arrangement PDF icon classified_shelf_arrangement.pdf
Class Number Wise Shelf List: Reserve Section PDF icon class_number_wise_shelf_list_researve_section.pdf
Class Number Wise Shelf List: Circulation Section PDF icon class_number_wise_shelf_list_circulation_section.pdf
How to Read a Scientific Paper PDF icon part_a_how_to_read_a_scientific_paper_2014_06-1.pdf How to Read a Scientific Paper
Chicago Citation Style Guide PDF icon Chicago Citation Style.pdf
Harvard Referencing Style PDF icon Updated PPT on Harvard Referencing Style 15-05-2024).pdf
OSCOLA citation style PDF icon OSCOLA.pdf
APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition Referencing Style PDF icon APA 7th Edition Reference Style.pdf
Book Shelving Location Circulation Section PDF icon bk-selving-circulation.pdf
Introduction to Citation Management Software :Mendeley File mendeley_presentation-2017.pptx
MLA Citation Style PDF icon MLA Referencing Style.pdf
Classification number wise shelves list of Reserve section PDF icon Reserve_Section_list.pdf