Basic Information

We have been working to develop a set of values that will influence the work of the Library. 
We are pleased to announce that:
  • A library environment that is safe, welcoming, and offers a variety of comfortable spaces that will inspire learning, research and creativity
  • Staff that are approachable, helpful, knowledgeable, courteous and take satisfaction in working for the University Library.
  • Information sources that are easily accessible, relevant, reliable and of high quality
  • Books are placed in open stacks for the convenience of users and for consultation. Dr. S. R. Lasker Library maintains open access shelves to give enough choices to users so that they can select desired library materials.
  • All comments/ suggestions from Library users are received, reviewed and take necessary steps accordingly.
  • Users’ purchase suggestions will be receive via online and take into consideration according to the purchase rules.
  • Items returned to the Collection will be re-shelved within one working day.
  • The order of all books on the shelves will be checked to ensure accuracy regularly.
  • Library controlled systems (e.g. library management system, institutional repository, new arrival lists, etc.) are available 98% of the time during standard opening hours
  • No user should wait to be acknowledged for more than 3 minutes to be helped from any Library front line desk
These values will inform the evaluation of our current services and new ones.