Seminar on Introduction to Citation Management Software: Mendeley

Event date: 
Monday, October 22, 2018

East West University Library organized a seminar on “Introduction to Citation Management Software: Mendeley” on 22 October 2018 (Monday) from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in S. M. Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery (Room-126), East West University.

Mendeley is a free cross-platform reference manager, as well as a data repository, career database, and social network that supports millions of researchers across all stages of the research workflow. Dr. Dilara Begum, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Information Studies and Library Management and Librarian (In-charge) conducted the seminar as a resource person. She presented the topic and demonstrated how to use the software for collecting and organizing citations as well as create network of people doing similar research. This program made up with three sessions subsuming Overview of this Software, Practical Demonstration and "Interactive Question and Answer Session". During the interactive session, participants who showed their proficiency in citation related topics, they received promotional items from Mendeley including T-Shirts, Pens, and Stickers.

Professor Dr. Fakrul Alam, Pro-Vice Chancellor, East West University graced the program by attending as the Chief Guest in the seminar. He emphasized on the importance of research in academic life and highlighted the contemporary technologies for managing citation. He also appreciated East West University Library team for organizing this event successfully. Around 80 students, faculty members were present in the seminar.