Improvement of Livelihood and Food Security through Goat Production in Bangladesh


The study was carried out in six divisions of Bangladesh taking one district from each division covering 100 credit recipient goat farmer and 25 non-beneficiaries. Thus, about 600 beneficiaries and 150 non-beneficiaries were surveyed during July 2007 to June 2008. Evidence showed that only 3.63% beneficiaries were women headed households. The program covers a lesser number of illiterate beneficiaries (only 23.67%) and was dominated by primary and secondary level of education. The average farm size of beneficiaries was estimated 90.58 decimal and the annual income was Tk.78,946 only. On an average, a borrower received Tk. 5,807 as credit where only 18.57% utilized exclusively for goat rearing and 14.96% in business. The cost of rearing goat per farm was Tk 6,722 and Tk. 11,275, in pre-project and post-project situation, respectively. About 73% borrowers thought that the scope of employment increased and 60% of them mentioned that moderate level of employment generation was created due to goat rearing. The gross return from goat rearing was Tk. 9,195 and Tk. 17,010 per farm, respectively in pre-project and post- project situation and the net return was found Tk. 2,473 and Tk. 5,735, respectively which was about 8% of their annual household income. A lower level of changes in livelihood status was observed in terms of family and livestock assets, household income, access to housing and sanitation and safe drinking water and consumption and food security. Finally, a set of recommendations were made for policy guidelines.

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