Purchase Suggestions

Dr. S. R. Lasker Library welcomes purchase suggestions from faculty members, students, staff, or registered library users for the addition of library materials which support teaching, study, and research at the University community. Suggestions are reviewed by library committee because the Library isn't able to purchase all requests at a time. The decision about which titles will be purchased and the number of copies also determined by the committee.
Before submitting a suggestion, please check the library online catalogue http://opac.ewubd.edu/ to determine if the item you need or wish to suggest has already in the library.
The university community are requested to place their suggestions one semester before it will be required.
Please provide complete and correct bibliographical information. Complete a separate form for each request
We value your suggestions. Please feel free to suggest a purchase to the libraries.

See Purchase suggestion if you would like the Library to consider buying your book or item.