10-day course on Integrated Library System and Digital Library Software

10-day course on Integrated Library System and Digital Library Software
A 10-day course on Integrated Library System and Digital Library Software was organized successfully by the EWU Library team from 11 to 24 February, 2015 at the request of Bank and Financial Institution Division, Ministry of Finance for the officials of the banking sector of Bangladesh. Twenty officials (Library & IT) from ten Governments and Autonomous Banks of Bangladesh, participated in this course. The training covered Digital Library Overview, Library Management Software: Koha, Greenstone Digital Library Software and MARC21 Cataloguing. This training course was conducted in a hands-on and interactive way.
The closing ceremony of the 10-day training course on ‘Integrated Library System and Digital Library Software’ was held at East West University on 24 February 2015. Prof Ahmed Shafee, Vice-Chancellor, East West University was the Chief Guest at the closing session. The training course was coordinated by Dr. Dilara Begum, Head of Library, East West University. The participants were enthusiastic about applying the new digital technology in library and information centers.

Date of Event: 
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Type of events: 