Tobacco Use Preventing Policy Design Laboratory: A Case Study of UK


This research article based on a policy laboratory that is a vehicle for exploring the dynamic implication of different policy options. Policy designed Iaboratory in organised by London South Bank University, United Kingdom under the school of Business, Computing & Engineering. This Policy designed laboratory considers various scientific and business researches that ultimately generate different business solutions or policies based on particular case studies. Our designed model from policy design laboratory focuses on the population of smokers and non-smokers as they age. We have initiated to design this research work on basis of secondary data adapted from UK consensus of smoking rate of various age groups. Smoking is one of the major causes of any sensitive diseases; our research attempts to investigate which age groups of people consider smoking seriously. In addition, it looks at the process of picking up and quitting the habit. Finally, the model looks at the health care costs and deaths associated with smoking. The primary data also focuses on how much smoker based on various age groups spends for medical treatment when they convicts by such smoking related diseases. At first, we have developed a model and then finally tested-verified-validated the model based on past-learnt data from UK smoking rate consensus. The outcome of this experimental research denotes the kids' smoker highly convicted with a significant level of medical related expenses and we need to consider more on preventing policy towards them. On the other hand the middle-aged people (35+ years old) usually spends more money for their medical related treatment caused by smoking. This research is absolutely an experimental research and so we have considered secondary data just for fitting our model in it.


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