Smaller Neighbours, Larger Opportunities: Bangladesh-Nepal Relations Under Lens


The post-Cold War global politics has presented new wave of challenges, led by globalization and complex web of interdependence in particular, to the policy makers and urges a rethinking of foreign policy for every state, no matter what their positions are in the international power structure. Bangladesh’s foreign policy, traditionally shaped through the Cold War environment and dictated by the India factor, also demands serious adjustments given the renewed dogma of global affairs and emerging threats. Today, even the smaller neighbours are considered to be significant in attaining a state’s foreign policy objectives since competition over material benefits are getting tougher and no state can endure its progress in all respects without the complement of others. Bangladesh and Nepal, both sharing strong historical attachment and similar realities, are two smaller neighbours who have immense opportunities, never been focused in their foreign policy with due sincerity. This is a very little effort to investigate the foundational strengths of Bangladesh-Nepal relations and their key areas of possible cooperation. However, this essay also unveils the very reason why Bangladesh could barely grant Nepal a noteworthy position in her foreign policy and vice versa.

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