Farmers’ Knowledge of Improved Practice in Soybean Cultivation
The purpose of the study was to determine the farmers’ knowledge of improved practices in soybean cultivation. One hundred and ten growers were selected randomly from a total of 1100 growers from ten villages under three Unions of Sadar upazila of Noakhali district. An interview schedule was used for collection of data during 20 July to 30 August 2006. The finding indicates that highest proportion (56.36%) of the growers had low knowledge compared to 38.18% medium knowledge, 5.46% high knowledge of improved practices in soybean cultivation. Level of education, family size, annual family income, and cosmopoliteness had positive and significant relationships with their knowledge of improved practices in soybean cultivation On the other hand; age, farm size, extension media contact, and innovativeness had no relationships with the same regard. The knowledge of improved practices was mostly hindered due to less irrigation facilities, high input cost, non availability of credit, less scope for consuming as food, lack of technical information, non availability of land for soybean cultivation, less scope of marketing, less market price of soybean etc.