Farmers’ Attitude towards the Rearing of Red Chittagong Cattle


The main objective of this study was to determine attitude of the farmer’s towards rearing of Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC). The study also explored the relationships between selected characteristics of the farmers with their attitude. The study was conducted in Char Jelkhana and Char Ishwardi villages of Mymensingh sadar under Mymensingh District. The data were collected by using an interview schedule from a sample of 70 farmers during the period from 15 March to 5 April, 2010. Attitude of farmers towards rearing of RCC was the dependent variable and nine selected characteristics of the respondents constituted the independent variables. The selected characteristics were age, level of education, family education, family size, annual family income, farm size, farming experience, communication exposure and training exposure of the farmers. Majority of the farmers (60 percent) had moderately favorable attitude while 25.7 percent had slightly favorable and 14.3 had highly favorable attitude towards Red Chittagong Cattle rearing. Two characteristics of the farmers, namely level of education and training exposure had significant positive relationships with their attitude towards rearing of RCC. Age, family education, family size, annual income, farm size, farming experience and communication exposure had no significant relationships with their attitude towards rearing of RCC.

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