Effect of Value Chain on Livelihood Improvement of RDRS Beneficiaries in Rangpur District


The main focus of this study was to determine the extent of livelihood improvement of the farmers due to their involvement in value chain process of RDRS, to explore the relationship of selected characteristics of the farmers with their livelihood improvement and to determine the problems faced by farmers in implementing value chain process and suggestions to overcome those problems. The study was carried out in Gangachara upazila under Rangpur district. One hundred and two farmers (around 50 percent) were selected as sample from an updated list of 200 farmers by simple random sampling method. Data were collected by a pre-tested interview schedule during 1st March to 15th April 2014. Based on Livelihood Improvement Status Index (LlSl) of the 30 activities, top three activities of three aspects were i) Cattle (211.8); ii) Family planning (236.2) and iii) Knowledge on price of milk in the market (273.5). Near about two-third (62.7 percent) of the farmers had medium improvement, 19.6 percent low and 17.6 percent had high improvement. Thus, majority (82.3 percent) of the farmers had low to medium improvement in three aspects (assets and shelter, social empowerment and bargaining capacity). Among the ten selected characteristics of the farmers seven like educational qualification, farm size, annual family income, extension media contact and cosmopoliteness, savings and attitude towards RDRS showed significant positive relationship with their livelihood improvement, while their age, family size had no relationships. Lack of communication between buyers and producers (93.14 percent) emerged as the most important problem opined by the farmers. The least (84.31percent) problem mentioned by the farmer was lack of knowledge regarding value chain process in the farmers‟ level. The prime (95.10 percent) suggestion cited by the farmers was collaborative action can be taken by GOs and NGOs to improve the transport system. Capacity building training regarding this context can be increased among farmers‟ level (50.00 percent) was suggested by the farmers as the last suggestion.

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