Design a Digital Institutional Repository for the Faculty of Arts: A Study


Scholarly communication is the creation, transformation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge related to teaching, research and scholarly endeavors. Nowadays, Open Access Institutional Repositories (OAIRs) has become the emerging ways to share research output, academic result and disseminating information to the academic community for better usability and visibility. The purpose of this present study is to discuss the role of OAIR (Open Access Institutional Repository) in scholarly communication and focused to design a digital repository for the Faculty of Arts. This study shows how OAIR can be used as an effective tool for scholarly communication in the Faculty of Arts. The major focus of this article is to describe the procedure of setting up an institutional repository (IR) with policy formulation and submission workflow of the contents for the Faculty of Arts at Dhaka University. Faculty and research scholars will be able to publish their research output in the proposed IR to make visible their scholarly research output globally. An analysis of the appropriate literature was carried out, focusing on papers explicitly referring to changing roles of OAIR. The study performed online searches and substantial amount of literature has been reviewed. Some directions for building OAIR initiatives for the Faculty of Arts at Dhaka University in Bangladesh has also been sagged. It is believed that the proposed repository will play a positive role for promoting research activities in Dhaka University. This study no doubt will foster more research on OAIR for the improvement of open access repositories in Bangladesh.

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